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Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 26 (Friday)

Today was legs.  I had to figure out how to get the best legs workout I could at home.... so I did the 30 Day Shred level 1 which focus's more on legs than the other two levels.  I didn't worry as much about the weights which tended to focus on shoulders for two reasons.  Reason one, I am doing shoulders and abs tomorrow and reason two my main focus was on legs and pushing them.  I kept up with the advanced girl on everything :).  I am so proud.  I really pushed myself.  I tried to do single leg deadlifts after but became very dizzy so decided it was best to sit for a bit :(.  But I knocked out my workout and for sure burnt some calories.  It is good to get it done.  Even tried to really push some of the non leg stuff that was for chest that I just did yesterday.  It was rough doing pushups LOL.  Tomorrow is my last workout for phase 1 and the week!  Next week I start phase 2, BRING IT!!!

I get all my motivation pictures from pinterest :), it really has helped to keep me going.  I look everyday and as dumb as it seems, these stupid sayings really help me push and keep at it.  Mini pep talks everyday.

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