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Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 3 of my new running and a swim

I ran 2.84 miles this morning during my normal 40 min run.  I only had a 3 min cooldown though because I should have done 32 mins of running to make the math work.  Oh well :).  I could have gotten closer to 3 miles if I had done those extra two mins LOL.  Then took my youngest for a surgery consult.  Tonight I had swim lessons for my older two and swam for 20 mins myself.  I really must remember that nutrition is key when working out multiple times a day.  I can't do a 30 min swim and get 1/2 or more miles without eating more.  I did get a nap in this afternoon :).  It felt good to get back in the pool.  I also realized that a goal for once I make my goal and get to go clothes shopping is to by cute fashionable stuff.  Not the frumpy baggy stuff I wear now.  Although with the new body I intend to have I will want to show it off :).  No more momma pouch for me.  I know by the time my youngest turns 1 I will reach my goal weight. My goal body which includes a nice looking midsection might take longer perhaps January 2013... But I will get there.  1 year from start to finish isn't bad.  I am making great progress and just have to keep moving.  My training is picking up speed.  I have a few bumps next week then its full steam ahead.  Yeah because 15-20 pounds is 145-150 and who doesn't want to be down there from 211???

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