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Monday, April 9, 2012

First training run/walk

So today I decided to "lace" up my shoes and start training for my 1/2 marathon coming in October.   My first official practice will be May 12th but I figured a head start wouldn't hurt.  I say "lace" because I wore my vibrams :).  I walked for 5 mins to warm up, then walked 4 mins, ran 2 mins, did that 5 times and then did a 5 min cool down.  It was a total of 40 mins and I did 2.25 miles.  Now outside on a 5k trail I usually average 45 mins for 3.1 so I was a tad slow but I walked more than I ran and I think this slower pace will actually work better for me.  My running pace was 13:40 which isn't super fast but it isn't to bad.  My walking however is 18 LOL.  Sooo once I can run more than I walk I should be going further.  I will just pluck away at it and see how it goes.  I am doing good with being back to my paleo eating and glad that I am doing it.  I had to resist make your own burrito night :), but it will be worth it when I am a lean mean fighting machine.  I do not believe you have to starve to get healthy.  I believe that you need to eat healthy, workout and just keep on going forward.  I have lost 43 pounds!  Go me and to heck with anyone who wants to belittle that fact.

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