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Monday, June 3, 2013

Crazy weekend

We all have them, especially two weeks from when movers are coming.  So today I was so gonna hit the gym until I was up at midnight with a vomiting child.  So the goal for tonight is to ride the bike for 30 mins (up from 10 last week) and then do my bosu ball legs until my legs burn!  Gotta stay on track.  Technically with the live fit trainer I didn't miss a workout last week (since I did legs Monday) and I took all the prescribed rest days.  I wasn't planning on it but it happened.  A lot happened this weekend.  But I'm going to get it all done again this week and hopefully add in some more cardio to push the weight loss a bit.  I will do back and bi's tomorrow since I won't have the base gym on Wednesday and Chest/tri day is easier at home than back and bi.  I will say I was sore last week and it was great.  I am trying to cut carbs.  I decided to allow 3 carb meals a week to be realistic.  I got two new cookbooks to help ease the transition and so far they are a huge hit.  They are from Elana's Pantry.  I highly recommend the Gluten free almond flour cooking and the cupcake book.  Both are paleo/gluten free and I haven't found a recipe yet I haven't tried.  I got them Saturday and have made 1 cupcake (triple chocolate), drop biscuits, chocolate chip scones, zucchini bread (will be able to try tomorrow) and currently making strawberry cupcakes.  I love the fact the recipes are simple and easy.  They look and taste like regular treats.  And I have not had much luck with almond flour/meal muffins so I'm loving her stuff.  Her website has a lot of recipes too.  I will try to get pictures up on my cooking from scratch blog I started to keep track of the good, the bad and the so so recipes I make. 

Goals for the week:
Continue with the water, was doing really good.
Workout all 5 days this week per the live fit plan.
Eat at home all week :).
Don't be to hard on myself.

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