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Monday, April 25, 2016


Finding balance is probably the hardest part for me.  Eating enough, but not to much, but not to little.  Last week I was in the to little category for sure, so it made me grumpy.  I am working to get it up but I feel like I can't add carbs.  If I add carbs I usually start going over.  Plus with everything else going on in life, making time to get it all done is becoming a challenge.  So I am working on finding balance between eating crap and reaching my goals.  I had a sonic cheese burger last night, I love it :).  But I was also up a pound this morning.  I'm also not going poo like I should be if the truth be told.  Today I have consumed about 1000 calories but I had a shake for breakfast and pizza for dinner.... so will this set me back?  I don't know yet.  I just have to move my body and keep moving forward.  Not every day is going to be perfect.  But if I keep trying I will reach my goal.  It is a series of small steps in the right direction, no body reaches this kind of goal in a week or a day.  This is going to take months.  So finding a good rhythm now is only going to help me succeed going forward.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Making good progress.

Doing good.  I'm still missing my breads... yum but I resisted temptation today when the kids wanted bread I got them some but I did not partake.  I ate chicken breast and salad for dinner and did my shakes, apples and nuts for breakfast, lunch and snacks.  I am sure after weigh ins it will be easier to find a balance without the worry.  I still plan to make smart choices and hopefully by that point I won't want the carbs as much.  But a small bit of rice once a week won't be so scary LOL.  Of course once I hit my target for the Coast Guard I can relax too.  I'm feeling better and my pants are fitting better.  So that is good.  I want to be a good example and keep moving.  So far I have hit my 10,000 steps everyday except Sunday which is my day off.  I'm proud of that accomplishment.  I have also walked 2 miles with my video each day this week.  So that is 8 miles already this week.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Keep moving

That's the goal, just keep moving.  Guess it's a little like Dory, just keep swimming.  I am getting those 10,000 steps in, even though it's been a challenge.  I am enjoying the challenge.  I am getting a workout in each day, I might need to do two workouts to be able to get all my steps in each day.  I will for sure have to change something if I decide to bump my goal.  But for this month the step goal is good and getting me moving.  My food is decent.  All paleo and stuff :).  I even managed a salad tonight so I'm thrilled about that.  I am moving down on the scale so that is good.  I'm sure the CG will freak out if I lose to much but I don't really care.  I'm not being unhealthy.  I was being unhealthy with all the Dr. Pepper and the junk food before.  Cutting those really helps to shed pounds along with moving my butt.  Doing good with 6 miles (walk away the pounds videos) and 30,000 steps so far, or a few more.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 3

Well I guess technically Saturday was day 1.  So today would be day 3... Gosh who knows.
What I do know, I updated my motivation board, added goals and motivational phrases.  I worked out 30 mins today and walked over 10,000 steps according to my fitbit.  I really like having a fitbit, it's a great way to keep moving.  I need to up my calories though because at this rate I will burn out.  I'm not eating enough.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Same post over and over?

#Fitness #Motivation http://peoplewholift.com | awesome site for fitness models!: So looking over older posts and some just recently... I've said it alot that I was going to get moving... So the question really becomes, why will it be different this time?
Will I just quit once I make weight and am off the fat kid program?
Will I go back to being a fat slug?
Should I stop calling myself fat?  Probably but sometimes we need the truth to keep us moving.  What can I do to get different  results this time?
Motivational pictures all over the house?
Picture of current next to goal in the bathroom?
How do others stay motivated?
How do people keep from giving up?  Perhaps its time to take to the big world of FB or google and see what keeps people going... Because obviously I've said I was going to do this before... and failed.

To failures, and new beginnings!

I won't even try to make excuses.  I've neglected myself and my health for so long.  I keep telling myself that I will start tomorrow.  I know where I want to be, I know how I want to feel and look.  But I have such a hard time with the food part of being healthy.  I love food.  I also have an extremely busy life.  With 3 kids, a small family farm starting, 3 jobs (one being full time college), and a hubby that travels it doesn't leave a lot of hours in the day for me time and a lot of food on the go to try and get it all done.  But those are just excuses and I need to stop.  It finally all caught up with me last month for my Coast Guard weigh in.  I failed.  And now I have it hanging over my head.  It really stinks and is actually making me reevaluate my health.  I'm only 5'4", I shouldn't be creeping over 170 pounds.  I should be between 120 and 130 in all reality to be healthy.  And I shouldn't get winded walking 1/4 mile up my driveway :(.  My youngest fractured her tibia so I have to carry her everywhere right now.  I should be able to do this with ease.  I need to be strong and healthy to work my farm and animals even when hubby is gone.  I've let my depression and stress control my weight and eating habits for far to long.  I started this week.  I focused on just working out each morning, nothing to crazy just trying to get back into a routine and habit.  I did a walk away the pounds video each morning Tuesday thru Saturday.  Only 1 mile, but it's a start.  I bought a fitbit on Friday, so Saturday I set my 10,000 steps daily goal.  This week I will work on doing a 30 min video each morning and reaching my step goal each day.  I will also strive to make good healthy non carb related food choices.  If I cut sugars, carbs and soda I should make my 165 in May.  After that my goal is to be down to 34% body fat (per CG measurements/standards) by December 2016.  This will for sure be the hard one.  But I will measure each month at the start of the month, and I will work on it each day.  I will not make excuses anymore.  So I'm going to post each day, food, workout, thoughts and just keep a journal of sorts.  Maybe even post motivating pictures like I did before to help keep me going.