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Sunday, March 15, 2009


So I got some hydroxycut at the exchange the other day. Just figured what the heck I could try it out. So far it seems to be helping. I took Sunday (today) off of it to see if it was helping with my appetite and it is. It is keeping me from being hungry all the time and over eating. It doesn't make it so I don't ever eat. So now that I understand what it is doing here goes. Tomorrow morning I will take two instead of one and then one in the afternoon. I don't want it to keep me up. It is also helping me to take my prenatals more LOL isn't that funny. So there it is. 27 more pounds to go and then shopping. Chris is going to try the hydroxycut too because he is just eating so much. I think we just need that little push. I am going to be working out this week but only for 15min because the doctor said not to do anything to strenuous quiet yet. And every little bit helps :).

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