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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Monday and Tuesday

So I am trying, still trying :).  But with the kids in school we have more of a routine.  I got up yesterday and walked/ran 2 miles and then got them off for their first day of school.  I walked them the 1.3 miles to school today so I will walk over 2.5 miles each day if I keep that up.  And then I did kettlebells when I got home since I was all warmed up.  Thinking the bike will be a weekend thing... I will work it in.  Got a motivation board to keep me going and help me when I am feeling low.  I'm excited to be getting on track.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Feeling the failure

Today is one of those days that I feel like I am just failing and not actually moving forward.  I did try to get on the bike but after 5 mins wanted to puke and was light headed.  Most would say no biggie just stop and try again tomorrow.   But tonight I just feel like I am making excuses.  I want to be healthier and more in shape and yet can't get my but moving or have enough self discipline to stick to eating healthy.  I make one excuse after another.  I know these things take time.  I guess I want to be like all of those success stories that just one day I woke up and wasn't going to take it anymore.  That I would never have a set back again and only results.... But that isn't realistic with three kids and having just moved to a totally new climate and well there are the excuses again.  It's not like I don't want it,  I guess I just don't want it enough... I don't know what is wrong with me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Since my blog isn't overly read I know I'm not in danger of people saying much about my pictures.  So here are some pictures from today.  I will take them again in a month and see how much progress I've made.

Day 2 down

It was for sure one of those mornings I could have easily skipped it.  I didn't sleep well and was tired.  But I put on my workout clothes and that got me more motivated.  I haven't ridden my bike in quiet some time so riding is a little painful on the bottom at the moment.  So I did 15 mins on the bike and then did the below quick workout.

20 jumping jacks
10 crunches
5 pushups
10 calf raises
25 russian twists
20 high knees
10 reverse crunches
30 sec plank
15 sec side plank (each side)

Tomorrow I will do a 10 min warm up and the kettle bells again.  Just going to keep trucking along.

169.5 this morning.  I'm sure the twinkie last night didn't help :).  But the kids and I had fun and they are more important.  The rest of my eating was great yesterday.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The heat and working out

So the biggest problem I'm running into is combating the heat with working out.  My assumption is that working out in the morning will prove easier and a bit better timing.  I got up this morning and rode my bike for 10 mins.  Then did a full body kettlebell workout.

12 reps of each
Around the body pass
Bent rows
Dead lift
Figure 8
Half get up (those are tough fyi)
Windmills (also tough)

I did the set twice.  At the end of the last set I tried the High pulls that I found on another site.  Overall a good workout.

I was down to 167 had a rough weekend with how busy we were but I'm at 169.5 this morning so a 2.5 pound gain for the weekend isn't bad. If I can eat healthy and workout I should be down below Coast Guard standards in time for my swearing in and if I just keep trying I will reach my goal by my birthday.  No I haven't given up but I have struggled. I know the articles make it sound like people just instantly wake up work out and get skinny.  It's really not that easy.  It takes work, you will have set backs and you will get discouraged.  Motivation only gets you so far.  Dedication and persistence get you the rest of the way.

I got the workout off of pinterest which got it off Women's Healthy magazine online.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Paleo eating for the win

So I have been so good with my eating and really focusing on paleo eating and cutting the carbs since I know they make me feel crappy.  Well I am happy to say that as of today I was at 166.8 :).  Working out isn't working very well since I am so unaccustomed to the heat.  But at least I am doing something other than just waiting and making excuses.  I can always eat more healthy ;).